Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Counselor Busted on Bribery Charges

Addiction counselors are among the most poorly compensated of all professionals. No surprise, then, to read about the indictment of Timothy J. Smith of Arapahoe County (Denver), a top level counselor, for allegedly taking bribes from clients to supply them with fake DUI class completion paperwork. In one case, says the indictment, Smith accepted payment in the form of marijuana. Source. The surprise is that there aren't more cases like this, given the overworked and underpaid status of the addiction counselor.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm. I don't quite get your point.

    This particular counselor behaved unethically, and broke the law. What does his line of work have to do with explaining his behavior? Unless you are suggesting that it is surprising that there is not more graft and fraud amongst *all* professionals in *all* lines of underpaid/overworked fields...? That, I might buy.
