Saturday, January 27, 2007

Student dies of alcohol OD, college clams up

York, PA: Victoria Hickman, an 18-year old freshman from Pennsauken NJ who was found dead in her dorm room, died of a massive alcohol overdose, medical examiners said Jan. 25. Her blood alcohol content was 0.33 per cent, more than four times the legal limit for driving in the state.

Contacted with the medical results, York College spokesman David Salter said "No comment."


  1. She was not found in her own dorm room. She was in a friend's room at the time of the tragedy.

  2. This is the same person that posted the first comment. I think it is ridiculous that York College's PR person clammed up when asked about the situation. I'm majoring in PR and I don't think it was handled very well. So what if York College is a dry campus? It seems that because alcohol is completely prohibited, no one saw the need for education about alcohol and the signs of alcohol poisoning. I'm a college student and I can tell people right now that a dry campus means nothing...people are still going to drink. The best thing to do is to let people know what the signs of alcohol poisoning are because a lot of people aren't familiar with the symptoms.

  3. And one more thing...I am the older sister of the boy whose room she was found in the morning it happened. He deeply cares about her and I know because of how good of a person he is, he would have acted immediately had he knew she had alcohol poisoning.

  4. Really helpful information u mentioned in your blog. Thank you for the post.
