Monday, March 12, 2007

Anonymity is only for the anonymous

Once again Alcoholics Anonymous has lent its name to the publicity thirst of another bratty celebrity. This time it's Britney Spears, whose publicist let the world know that she was given a pass from her upscale Malibu treatment program to attend an AA meeting. E.g. Source. Millions of 7-year old girls will now make a mental note to become alcoholics and get their names in the paper by going into rehab and to AA. It's great promotion for AA and for the celebs. But it reinforces the two-class system in AA. If you're in the celebrity class, your AA membership glitters like a glass pebble in a brightly lit goldfish bowl. If you're not a "name," you're in the dark. Anonymity is only for the anonymous. What would Bill W. say?


  1. Martin
    Where did you read that "AA" officially lent it's name to any of the publicity surrounding this woman's treatment? "AA" is not and never has been affiliated with any treatment center.

  2. I think Martin is right; AA hasn't lent its name to any treatment center. If you need help staying off booze or dope, why not try going to a meeting? If you need special help, try goin to Sober Companion. Good luck!

  3. I thought the original comment was a little "off" and now that I see you are "CEO" of LifeRing I guess that explains it. As you self report never even having been to an AA meeting I don't think you are very well qualified to speak for AA. It sounded more like a promotion for LifeRing. Oops I forgot you're not actually writing as CEO of LifeRings, sorry.
