Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Blacks strike back against Big Tobac

Carol-McGruder.gifCarol McGruder (right), Director of the San Francisco African American Tobacco Free Project, has launched BlacksForProp86.org, a grassroots initiative of African American health professionals, researchers, clergy, tobacco control advocates and concerned community members to support the passage of Prop 86.

BlacksForProp86.org, McGruder says, want the tobacco industry to know that if they want to help us they need to stop marketing their deadly products to our community and stop co-opting our leadership organizations. Each year over 45,000 African Americans die from tobacco related illnesses. Who will stand in truth for the 45,000 sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, and grandparents taken from us? We will, we stand in truth for the 900,000 African American lives lost during the past 20 years of tobacco industry “regressive tax” rhetoric. Source.

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