Thursday, November 02, 2006

Students dramatize tobacco deaths

Buffalo, MO.: Students in black T-shirts moved quietly through the Buffalo and Skyline school halls on Tuesday, Oct. 24. These students joined approximately 42,000 students around the state participating in Project Silenced Voices.

Project Silenced Voices challenged students to start the morning by reading a short story about how tobacco affected their character's life. The students then put on their black T-shirts and were silent the remainder of the day, in remembrance of lives lost to tobacco.

At the end of the day, students wrote a paragraph describing their experience. "I learned that not only am I privileged to speak, but I feel bad for the people who can't speak," said Skyline student Alicia Melton. "It felt like I was disabled and unable to speak. I don't think that I would ever chew tobacco or smoke in my entire life."

"I learned tobacco can ruin people's lives," said Buffalo Prairie Middle School seventh-grader Lindsay Dill. "If you don't do tobacco, your friends or family could be killed by tobacco use. It was really hard not to be able to talk. It was hard to get what you meant across to people." Source.

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