Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Top Alaska transportation official busted for DUI

Andrew Niemiec, director of the Alaska Department of Transportation's (DOT) northern region, has resigned following his arrest Nov. 26. The police incident log says:
On, 11/25/06, at 2015 hours, the Alaska State Troopers contacted Andrew Niemiec, 43, of Fairbanks, while investigating a motor vehicle collision at mile 326.5 of the Parks Highway. Investigation revealed that Niemiec was driving under the influence of alcohol when he lost control of the 2002 Volvo he was driving. The vehicle struck a guardrail and went off of the roadway. Niemiec fought with Troopers on scene and was placed under arrest for Driving Under the Influence, Assault on a Police Officer x2, and Resisting Arrest. Source.
Niemic registered 0.222 on a chemical breath test, according to court records. The legal limit is 0.08. He was charged with four misdemeanors (!) and sentenced to attend a 21-day alcohol treatment program. Source. The Alaska DOT is in charge of the state's highways and ports; one of its departments is the Highway Safety Office which conducts DUI enforcement programs.

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