Monday, January 29, 2007

In the heartland: Powder heroin No. 1 drug

Powder heroin is the drug of choice in Shelby, Ohio, says police Capt. Lance Combs.

"We're seeing a lot more property crime, which I think we can attribute to heroin abuse," Combs said. "We see a lot of thefts of checks and forgeries and smash-and-grabs from vehicles. They just run out of money."

Death from overdose is not uncommon. Combs said Shelby, a town of 9,000 people, has had five fatal overdoses in the last two years.

"The availability of it is what kills us," Combs said. "We try to focus on the people who are selling it as much as we can."

But that's not easy. -- Read details in the Bucyrus Telegraph Forum.

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