Saturday, January 20, 2007

Under pressure, ad firm pulls booze ads near schools

San Francisco: Advertising firm CBS Outdoor has agreed to remove a series of alcohol ads from bus kiosks located near schools in San Francisco after protests led by the Marin Institute.

The ads for wines, beers, and hard liquors were placed within 500 feet of nine schools, a violation of CBS Outdoor's agreement with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (MTA).

A survey by Marin found a total of 15 ads that violated the agreement. The head of the MTA said he is considering banning alcohol ads across the city.

"It's a shame that [CBS Outdoor] had to have a watchdog group tell them their ads were in obvious violation," said Marin Institute executive director Bruce Livingston. "It's obvious that they don't have a mechanism in place to monitor where they're placing their alcohol ads. They're either incapable or indifferent when it comes to monitoring their own actions." Source.

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