Monday, February 26, 2007

Drug dealers high on Bush pardon list

"George W. Bush Likes Those Drug Dealers When It Comes To Pardons," says the Eye on Washington blog. Citing a complete listing of pardons in Wikipedia, the blog says that 14 of 113 Bush presidential pardons were for convicted dealers of marijuana, hashish, cocaine, methamphetamine and other drugs. Source.


  1. How is 14 of 113 a high percentage. Look at Bill Clintons over 400 pardons. Many more are not only for drug dealers, but he commuted many more sentaces than Bush has.

  2. WHAT IS THE NEED FOR A COMPARISON???!!!! This totally mystifies me, ESPECIALLY at this point. Bush and Clinton are not comparable. I could understand that in the first couple of years IF Bush PROVED himself, but he NEVER has and NEVER will.

    Why would anyone compare their candidate to someone they hate? WAY TO SET YOUR BAR LOW!!!!

    Never thought about that did ya??!!! Typical hardliners.

  3. WHAT IS THE NEED FOR A COMPARISON???!!!! This totally mystifies me, ESPECIALLY at this point. Bush and Clinton are not comparable. I could understand that in the first couple of years IF Bush PROVED himself, but he NEVER has and NEVER will.

    Why would anyone compare their candidate to someone they hate? WAY TO SET YOUR BAR LOW!!!!

    Never thought about that did ya??!!! Typical hardliners.

    "I hope we leave this place a lot better than the way we found it." George W. Bush stated as he swore in his Cabinet members in 2001.
