Now comes an article in Scientific American, by science journalist Carl Zimmer, reporting on modern research into the genetics of intelligence. Here too, the conventional wisdom has been that genes play a major role. But when the most powerful computer-assisted research tools are turned on the human genome, the supposed genetic factor all but evaporates. Intelligence turns out to depend very weakly on a diversity of genes. The most influential of these genes contributes just 0.4 per cent (less than one half of one per cent), and this gene is believed to influence also a variety of other cell functions -- so that it is not specific to intelligence as such.
Much of the myth of genetic causality rests on twin studies. This is true both in alcoholism and in intelligence research, as well as in other fields (for example, autism). Zimmer cites research showing that twin studies involving affluent families show a strong apparent genetic influence, while similar studies involving twins from poorer families show virtually no genetic factor at work. The modern molecular genetic studies suggest that the apparent genetic influence reported in some twin studies may be a chimera due to false methodological assumptions. Twin studies have been severely criticized, and some scientists consider them junk. The SciAm article is in the October 2008 issue at p. 68; a link is (temporarily) here.
Where did your research lead you on neurobiology?
If genetics play a weak role, did your research lead you to other causes?
Genomic science is nowhere near knowing what all the effects of all the genes, and gene combinations, are. Way to early to draw any conclusions. SciAm is a politically correct publication. Have a look at this paper - google "ISBN: 9789086591664" for the pdf.
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